Candidaturas Abertas – Ex-alunos EPAD – VOLUNTARIADO NA EUROPA | Salzburgo (Austria)
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to do programa Erasmus+, estão abertas as candidaturas para voluntariado de 10 meses (setembro de 2018 a julho de 2019) para Salzburgo, Áustria.
Estas vagas destinam-se a ex-alunos de todos os cursos profissionais da EPAD.
Para mais informações contactar o Serviço de Psicologia e Orientação (
As candidaturas estão abertas até dia 2 de março.
Vacancy: September 10, 2018 – July 12, 2019 (10 months)
The organization:
The Werkschulheim Felbertal is a private secondary school focusing on trade. It is also a
boarding school with public status, which was founded in 1951 based on the idea of the
Scout Movement. The four year long focus on technical handwork in the lower school, as
well as the emphasis on language and computer science in the upper school are
distinctive features of this educational program.
There are about 335 pupils at the school (180 in the boarding school and 135 in the day
care till five o´clock). They also spend their leisure time here. The target group are
youngsters between 11 and 20 years. Regular activities include excursions to the
surrounding cultural and sportive attractions of the area, such as hiking, skiing and visits
to Salzburg. The school offers a variety of different sports activities at the place such as
archery, a tennis court, a boulder room, a fitness room, a soccer court as well as creative
activities. There is also a group of scouts that holds activities on a weekly basis.
An important part of the school life are several weekends at the boarding school, when
the pupils spend time together performing group activities to gain a sense of community.
Your tasks:
You will support the staff at the boarding school houses and carry out leisure time
activities with the youngsters. You will support the staff during study lessons in the
afternoon and with planning and implementing cultural/sportive/creative activities as a
leisure time activities. You will also support the weekly scouts meetings and activities and
social activities and excursions of the boarding school.
What you should bring in:
If you are motivated and willing to work with children and youngsters, if you are ready to
work in a team and if you have an interest in social and intercultural learning, please send
us your application!
Please send your application to Marisa Pereira
Application deadline: March 2, 2018.
Mais informação sobre o programa ERASMUS+: guide/part-a_pt